Best RV Leveling Blocks: What Are Your Options?


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Do you know how to properly level your RV when camped?

If you don’t, you could be affecting the performance of your appliances, your RV’s condition, overall camping enjoyment, and even your safety.

That’s why leveling blocks are so important.

By properly leveling your RV, you can avoid all of the aforementioned issues and preserve your RV’s internal and external condition.

But there are several different types of leveling blocks you can use. Which are best?

Spoiler: there is no “best” option.

However, there are several options that RVers rave about and often recommend.

We’ve pooled together the top recommendations combined with our own picks to create a list of the best leveling options.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about leveling blocks along with several of the best options.

Are RV Leveling Blocks Necessary?

Leveling blocks aren’t absolutely required, but they’re highly recommended.

They’re important for achieving a level surface and stabilizing your RV, which affects a number of things.

This is important for a variety of reasons, including:

  • General comfort: However minimal, a slanted RV is noticeable while camped. 
  • Maintain your RV’s condition: Improperly balancing weight throughout your RV can cause damage to it over time. 
  • Appliances: Did you know that the performance of things like your AC and fridge can be affected by improper leveling?
  • Safety: Small water spills over the sink or pooled water from a shower can become safety hazards if your RV isn’t properly balanced.

3 Best RV Leveling Blocks

What leveling blocks you use is completely up to you, and there are a lot of great options out there that work like a charm.

However, if you’re just starting out this can be a bit of a confusing one to figure out.

Is one type of leveling block better than another? Really, the answer is: the best leveling block is one that works for you.

The best thing you can do is take what other RVers recommend, try it out for yourself, and go with what works best for you.

With that in mind, below are three of the most often recommended leveling block options

1. Camco RV leveling blocks


Camco RV leveling blocks are known as the “yellow Lego blocks” because they clearly look like giant yellow Lego when stacked.

They’re one of the most well-known leveling block products on the market and a great option for balancing affordability and function.

They easily stack to whatever height you need and create a natural ramp that makes it easy to move your RV into place. 

  • Brand: Camco
  • Dimensions: 8.5″ x 8.5″ x 1″
  • Includes zipper bag for easy storage
  • Price: $60 (10 pack)

Find Camco leveling blocks on Amazon. 

2. Lynx leveling blocks


Lynx leveling blocks are another popular type of leveling block, these have a very similar but somewhat flatter design. 

If you’re looking for a great budget pick but don’t want to rough it with concrete slabs or wood blocks, Lynx’s leveling blocks are perfect. 

Many users report that Lynx’s leveling blocks wear down rather quickly, but they’re incredibly inexpensive and easy to replace (packs of 10 come in at around $35).

  • Brand: Tri-Lynx
  • Dimensions 8.5” x 8.5” x 1.5”
  • Includes zipper bag for easy storage
  • Price: $35 (10 pack)

Find Lynx leveling blocks on Amazon. 

3. Lowes 16” x 16” x 4” concrete blocks


It’s hard to beat good ol’ concrete (or wood) blocks. 

These concrete blocks from Lowes are perfectly shaped flat concrete blocks that are ideal for leveling.

The best part about these (besides that they can be found at most major hardware stores), is they’re incredibly inexpensive at under $10 each.

If you’re not partial to fancy solutions, something like these concrete blocks are perfectly fine and do the job as well as anything, they’re just much heavier and harder to store.

  • Brand: Lowes
  • Dimensions: 16” x 16” x 4”
  • Heavy and relatively difficult to store
  • Price: $6 per block

Find 16x4x16 inch concrete blocks at Lowes.

How Do You Level an RV with Leveling Blocks?

There are several different types of leveling tools used by RVers, but the most common leveling blocks are placed either in front of or behind your RV’s wheels.

Your job is to then find the ideal position for your RV and place your leveling blocks exactly where they need to go before moving your RV into position.

To find out how to properly level your RV first using a level tool so that you can place your leveling blocks, check out our complete guide: Where to Place the Level on a Travel Trailer: A Simple Guide + FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What size are RV leveling blocks?

Leveling blocks come in a few sizes, but they’re typically around 8 ½ inches high by 8 ½ inches long.

Should you store your RV with the leveling jacks down?

Due to the size of the average RV, placing your leveling jacks down while storing can take pressure off critical external components such as your RV’s suspension and tires.

There’s generally no risk to mice or other animals climbing a jack leg due to there not being enough traction, and there’s no drawback to keeping your jacks down otherwise.

Take Care of Your RV with Proper Leveling

Properly leveling your RV is important for maintaining the condition of your RV, its internal systems such as appliances and drainage systems, and for your general comfort and safety.

Learn how to properly level your RV and use leveling blocks when camped to ensure your RV remains accurately leveled no matter where you are.

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